Monday, December 24, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Act against overflowing HDB shopfront displays
Dec 17, 2007
I REFER to the report, 'Shop owners still ignoring rules on outdoor displays' (ST, Dec7). It is high time the authorities clamped down on overflowing HDB shopfront displays. It is also surprising that they are taking so long to act.
The shopfronts do not belong to the shop owners or tenants, but these people behave as though they own the space with blatant disregard for public convenience in using the space as passageways.
It is also open knowledge that many shop owners actually rent out their shopfront space to others who most of the time may ply a completely different trade. We see, for example, a goldsmith's shop with a phone accessories stall in front.
I wonder why the authorities seem to be oblivious to all this.
The shop owners should be grateful that the HDB allows them to display their wares in the designated space (which the shop owners do not own in the first place).
I hope the authorities will be steadfast in enforcing the current rules to ensure the shopfronts are in compliance with safety regulations and, most important of all, prevent the area from becoming a nuisance and inconvenience to the public.
Mohammad Yazid
Check corridors of HDB flats to ensure fire safety
IN SEPTEMBER, I wrote to The Straits Times Forum page about errant shopkeepers who obstruct walkways and urged government agencies to step up efforts to ensure that all items beyond the permitted area are cleared by shopkeepers.
More importantly, I called for checks on common corridors of flats by the Housing Board and town councils so that action can be taken against irresponsible flat dwellers who strew plants, clothes and shoe racks across the slightly more than 2m-wide walkways.
A few weeks later, another reader sent similar feedback to The Sunday Times. There was no response at all to both letters.
Now, we have the Dover Road fire which broke out on the lift landing of an HDB block, because of discarded furniture. Fortunately, there were no fatalities.
While the focus is on why the fire occurred, and the repairs that need to be done to restore residents' lives to normalcy, we should also look at preventive measures that need to be put in place.
Does the HDB act only when there are fatalities, as in the Hougang Avenue 8 minimart blaze on Sept 13 when two people died?
No doubt its subsequent steps were commendable, but there are still many irresponsible flat owners. I recently saw a wooden bench the size of a sofa sitting along one corridor.
Common walkways are important access routes for residents to move freely in times of emergency. Even in normal circumstances, you need to manoeuvre dexterously to move along the corridor and reach the stairwell.
I strongly urge government agencies to intensify their checks - including common corridors of flats - and issue stern warnings to irresponsible flat owners.
Guidelines should also be in place on what is allowed in common corridors, and what is not.
Hopefully, there will be no more such fire incidents in HDB blocks.
Larry Keh Chun Woon
Thursday, December 13, 2007
● 许崇正
就以大家都熟悉的最近两起大事件为例,一起是发生在宏茂桥的按摩院命案,另一起是发生在后港,由于店屋起火而导致人命伤亡,过后有关当局马上采取了迅速 的大动作,封锁了按摩院,为邻里的商店实施强制性的条例等。这一系列的不幸事件,如果有关单位的负责人能够以更细心和珍惜他人生命的态度工作,我想这些大 家都不想发生的事件是可以避免的,亡羊补牢,其实为时已晚。
据报道,后港邻里商店在发生火患之前,有关居民已经向记者反映过,说一旦发 生火患,将会是一发不可收拾。电视台也在节目报道了情况。很遗憾的是,有关当局却视若无睹,更让人难以理解的是为什么这些犯了条例的店主屡次收到警告信后 可以置之不理,没受到法律制裁,而导致不幸的事情发生?
大家都知道现在的许多组屋卫星镇都设有购物中心,而允许电脑网络游戏/电动游戏商店设在购物中心内和设在组屋附近又有什么分别呢?笔者还发现有电脑网络 游戏商店设在组屋区内的巴士转换站附近。这些对青少年身心健康发展不利的场所,不但容易让青少年由于摩擦而起冲突导致人命伤亡,商店内安全设备的不足也是 威胁人命的因素之一。难道我们又要等到另一起命案的发生才来亡羊补牢吗?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Let trash these messy fire hazards
Tuesday • December 11, 2007
Letter from Lee Heng Kee
My weekly Sunday evening visits to Block 67, Circuit Road are always greeted by trash scattered along the corridor leading to the lift lobby. This is a serious fire hazard and the potential danger is heightened by those who smoke at the nearby benches.
With the recent Hougang fire and the Dover Road fire on Dec 9, surely the town council is not waiting for another fire before taking necessary action.
If the trash cannot be collected more frequently, can the bin be relocated away from the lift lobby? Public education programmes should also be conducted frequently to highlight the hazards of dumping rubbish along the corridors or walkways.
Copyright MediaCorp Press Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
$1 billion in town council funds : what’re they used for?
By Leong Sze Hian
I refer to the CNA news report “Prudent to protect sinking funds of town councils: DPM Wong” (CNA, Dec 2) and the article “Move to protect council funds” (Today, Dec 1).
According to Creative Technology’s (CT) annual report, Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council (HBPTC) was listed as one of the majority shareholders with 530,000 shares currently valued at about $3.2 million. I understand that CT’s share price from 2003 to 2007, has ranged from a high of $27.30 to it’s current price of $6.10 on 12 October 2007.
According to CT’s Statistics of Shareholding as at 19 August 2005, HBPTC held 200,000 shares. The CT high price for fiscal 2005 and 2006 was $27.20 and $14.40 respectively. Does this mean that the 200,000 shares could have cost as much as $5.4 million?
When did HBPTC purchase its CT shares, and at what price?
If it had held its total holding of TC shares on 1 July 2006, I believe it would have been valued at about $6 million.
According to HBPTC’s annual report, it had $8.4 million of quoted equities on 1 April 2005.
If this is the case, does it mean that it accounted for about 70 per cent of HBPTC’s total quoted securities portfolio of $8.4 million?
If the above assumptions and timelines are correct, why is its quoted securities portfolio so apparently non-diversified?
Isn’t diversification the key principle of prudent investing?
What guidelines do town councils use in investing their residents’ funds?
Another question which needs to be asked is: What are the profits from such investments used for and have they ever been used, since town council funds keep growing to more than $1 billion now? Perhaps the town councils should include this in their annual reports and make them public.
When we last checked, only 6 out of the 16 town councils have their annual reports easily available on their websites. Why are the reports of the other 10 town councils not available on their websites?
Read also: “Uniquely Singapore, F1 or F9: “Residents willing to pay more for service and conservancy?”
Prudent to protect sinking funds of town councils: DPM Wong
SINGAPORE : Protecting the sinking funds of town councils is prudent, said Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng on Sunday.
He said capping the amount town councils can invest in non-government investment vehicles at 35 percent will protect the money they have for the future.
Mr Wong made his comments while meeting residents and shopkeepers at Bishan North Shopping Mall on Sunday.
The new rule by the Ministry of National Development (MND) on investing town council money kicked in on December 1st.
The aim is to strike a balance between town councils trying to get a good return on their funds and not taking unnecessary risks with residents' money.
Mr Wong agreed with this new rule, saying if town councils rundown sinking funds because of wrong or bad investments, then the money will not be available for other uses if and when needed.
Inflation hit a 16-year high recently at 3.6 percent and is expected to hit 4.5 or 5 percent next year.
Government bonds and short-term fixed deposits give a return of around 1.5 to 3 percent which is lower than the returns from riskier market investments.
So when asked about inflation eating away the low financial returns, Mr Wong said inflation is only one factor considered when investing and protecting sinking funds.
DPM Wong said: "There are world prices due to many reasons and therefore we have this increase in inflation. But it goes up and down and we just can't depend on that alone as a measure to decide how we invest our town council funds. So we cannot look at one spot and say it may go up to 5 percent, or 4 percent inflation and therefore that particular decision by MND will not cover the inflation."
Mr Wong said residents he spoke to did not complain about the price of hawker centre food going up, although some were concerned about general food prices having gone up.
The shops are part of the heartlands.
Mr Wong spoke to shopkeepers selling produce like fish and vegetables, listening to the concerns they face.
Some concerns included higher prices of produce and limited display areas, said shop owner Mr Ker Yeow Chong, who've been running his business for more than 15 years.
Other MPs from the Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC also joined Mr Wong on his Sunday visit. - CNA/ch
Move to protect council funds - Ministry puts limit on estates' riskier investments
Loh Chee Kong
IN THE midst of an increasingly volatile financial market, the Government has moved to restrain Town Councils' investment activities as a precautionary measure.
On Thursday, the Ministry of National Development (MND) gazetted amendments to the Town Councils Financial Rules, which came into effect on Saturday.
The most notable change is a 35-per-cent cap on the amount Town Councils can use out of their sinking funds to invest in non-Government issued securities such as corporate bonds and equities, which are seen as "higher risk" investments.
There is no cap on the proportion used to invest in Government bonds or treasury bills.
MP Inderjit Singh, the vice-chairman of the Ang Mo Kio-Yio Chu Kang Town Council, told Today it was "not a sudden decision" as the MND had been monitoring the situation "for quite some time".
"I think what they discovered is that some Town Councils participate in riskier investments. The MND wanted to prevent Town Councils from being too aggressive. The idea is to protect the sinking fund as much as possible for future use," he said.
In response to Today's queries, an MND spokesperson said that changes to the set of financial rules "are made from time to time to bring them up to date and facilitate the effective administration and operation of Town Councils".
The spokesperson added: "Town Councils are required to set aside sinking funds to enable them to carry out long-term cyclical maintenance or replacement works for the estates. As such, (they) need flexibility to invest funds that are not required for immediate use, while ensuring the funds are not exposed to unnecessary risks."
Noting that the bulk of public sector investments is in Government-issued securities, CIMB-GK economist Song Seng Wun said: "I don't think (the cap) would affect any of them at the moment. It's more to ensure the Town Councils have a reference point."
Previously, Town Councils were given the same investment powers as statutory bodies under the Trustees Act, which spells out the type of investments they could make. But according to Dr Teo Ho Pin, co-ordinating chairman for the People's Action Party Town Councils, statutory boards ?including Town Councils ?were given greater leeway to invest at the turn of the millennium.
And under Section 33A of the Interpretation Act, a statutory body may invest "in such manner as it thinks fit" and "engage in any financial activity or participate in any financial arrangement for the purpose of managing or hedging against any financial risk that arises or is likely to arise from such investment".
Currently, Town Councils have various ways of managing their investments, including setting up finance or business committees or entrusting their money with external fund managers.
Said Dr Teo, who chairs the Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council: "If we just put the money in fixed deposits, isn't that more irresponsible? There were a lot of criticisms in the past when the statutory boards dared not invest their money."
The Town Councils have recently submitted their 2006/2007 annual reports to Parliament for gazetting.
According to Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council's 2005/2006 annual report, it has sinking funds of some $89 million. Of this, it holds shares worth some $8.4 million in book value, while investing $31m and $3m in bonds and unit trusts respectively.
Some smaller wards such as Potong Pasir invest solely in Government bonds. According to its MP Chiam See Tong, the Potong Pasir Town Council ?which has a kitty of $5 million ?employs a full-time finance manager to manage its $1.9 million worth of investments.
Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council was listed as a major shareholder in Creative Technologies' latest annual report, holding 530,000 shares currently valued at about $3.4 million.
Pointing out how the shares of Creative Technologies had fallen drastically in the last few years, Mr Leong Sze Hian, president of the Society of Financial Service Professionals, felt that the investment guidelines should be "beefed up" further to make sure that even with the cap on high-risk investments, Town Councils are prevented from putting too many eggs in one basket.
Said Mr Leong: "There's nothing to stop them from putting all 35 per cent in one stock.
Nowadays, Town Council funds go up to a hundred million. And 80 per cent lost in a single stock can mean a loss of about $30m."
Pointing out that there are always risks involved in an investment, Dr Teo declined to discuss the specifics of the investment in Creative Technologies.
But he reiterated that his Town Council adopted a "wide" investment portfolio. Said Dr Teo: "Our investment committee has made good returns on our investments so far, averaging about eight to 10 per cent per annum, which is better than the bank interest rate."
Copyright MediaCorp Press Ltd. All rights reserved.
DOVER ROAD FIRE - Requests to clear furniture were ignored
Dec 11, 2007
By Carolyn Quek
FRUSTRATED residents of a block of HDB flats on Dover Road complained for a week about a pile of discarded furniture outside the building's third-floor lifts.
But their pleas fell on deaf ears. That was until early Sunday morning when the pile went up in flames, a blaze police have classified as mischief.
'The furniture had been lying there for so many days, yet no one came to clear it,' said Mr Khoo Pek Tee, 68, a retired driver.
The fire, which broke out at about 12.20am, roused many residents of the block, which contained 182 two-room rental flats.
Many on the third floor - especially the units near the heart of the blaze - were trapped in their homes by the flames and thick smoke, which blanketed the corridor.
Five residents had to be taken to the National University Hospital for smoke inhalation, said the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).
One of them was Madam Zainub Ibrahim whose flat was closest to the lift landing.
The 44-year-old hotel chambermaid told The Straits Times that she was asleep in the living room with her 10-year-old daughter when she heard people shouting.
But the flames were too intense for mother and daughter to flee by the main door. They escaped by climbing down a ladder placed against their kitchen window by firefighters.
'It was very hot, I could not breathe,' Madam Zainub recalled. SCDF paramedics took her to the hospital that night but she left at 8am yesterday even though doctors had asked her to stay.
Her health, it seemed, was not as much of a concern as cleaning up the damage the fire had caused. It destroyed her curtains and corridor window while the smoke blackened the walls.
Two television sets and a DVD player in the living room were also damaged.
A West Coast-Ayer Rajah Town Council spokesman said the town council would 'expedite' repairs to common areas of the block.
She said residents are reminded periodically to not dump their unwanted items in the common areas. Cleaning contractors are also told to remove garbage during their daily rounds.
There is also a free service to remove bulky household trash, she said.
All this did not satisfy Madam Zainub's 21-year-old son Sufiyan Jumali, who was not at home at the time of the incident.
He said he was upset and disappointed, especially because he had asked a cleaner to clear the heap of cupboards, cabinets and mattresses last week.
'A fireman asked me if the space at the lift landing was a room because of the amount of furniture there,' he said.
Mr Khoo added: 'I had been meaning to complain about the discarded furniture to the authorities, but I kept putting it off. Then the fire happened.'
According to the SCDF, 205 fires were set deliberately in the first half of this year, a slight decline from 2006.
Fires in residential buildings have also fallen by 27 cases, to 1,613, in the first half of this year.
However, fires involving rubbish - including Sunday's - have increased. They formed the bulk of residential fires.
Copyright © 2007 Singapore Press Holdings.
杜佛路组屋火患 电梯口杂物狂烧
Friday, December 7, 2007
Tanjong Pagar - Damaged mailbox and water ponding: Nothing done despite promises, promises, promises
Posted on 07 Dec, 2007 10:20
Fitness instructor Gan said he sent feedback to his town council on two areas that needed attention at the start of the year. The year is almost over, and nothing has been done, he said.
"Beginning this year, I sent feedback to Tanjong Pagar Town Council," he said in an email this morning (Dec 7).
One was about a damaged returned mailbox and the other was a water ponding problem below a covered linkway between Block 62 and Block 63 of Commonwealth Drive.
"The officer replied to my mail, saying repair works will be carried out and works will be completed by end Jan 07 on the mailbox and Feb 07 on the water ponding problem.
"It is now December, and nothing has been done," he said.
The STOMPer said he sent feedback again on Oct 15 about the indiscriminate feeding of animals in his estate. He said he was told that a pest control operator would be engaged and signages advising residents not to feed the animals would be put up.
"All this did not materialise. So, do you think they deserve the 2.5 months bonus?" he asked.
"I am happy to learn that Singapore’s economy is doing very well and that all civil servants will be getting 2.5 months bonus.
"However, not everyone deserves this Special Bonus," he said.
STOMP is contacting Tanjong Pagar Town Council for comments.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Aljunied - Light is on day and night. Who's paying?
Posted on 19 Nov, 2007
STOMPer Zul says this light along the covered walkway near Block 126, Bedok Reservoir Road has been switched on day and night for about four weeks.
"Who is going to pay the bill?" the STOMPer asked in an email today (19 Nov).
"Four weeks. 24/7. It has been even from morning till night...about 28 days already," the STOMPer said.
The STOMPer also said some of the light bulbs along the covered walkway are showing signs of wear and tear, and are "going to drop".STOMP has contacted Aljunied Town Council for comments and is waiting for a reply.
A defective timer was one of the causes for which the lights at Block 126 Bedok Reservoir were left switched on, while as the accidental switching on of a bypass switch was the other.
This was the explanation given by the Aljunied Town Council officers, in response to a STOMPer’s post about how he saw the lights at the block left switched on for four weeks, even in the day.
Said the Town Council, in their email to STOMP:
“Our property officer has verified that on 1 November, Emergency Maintenance Service Unit (EMSU) received feedback that the lights were not working. This was due to a defective timer . The bypass switch was temporarily switched on to provide lighting for the linkway. We have subsequently replaced the defective timer.
“On 5 November, the lights were fused, and the ESMU arrived and made the necessary replacements. The lights were then lit up with the timer. We believe the bypass switch may have accidentally been switched on. This has also been rectified.
“Residents can be assured that our officers will closely monitor the lights to ensure the timer is in good working order.
“We wish to thank STOMPER Zul for the feedback.”
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Tampines - Sigh! Tampines no more what it used to be
Posted on 01 Jan, 2007
1 January 2007 - William, 26, a bank officer, is a concerned resident who wrote in to STOMP about the "messy state" of Tampines.
This is his email:
I lived in Tampines for 20 yrs and I am worried that Tampines is nolonger the heart-warming Heartland place i used to live in. These pics are taking near the small mac area in btw HDB office towards businterchange & MRT stn. Abt 10 mini shops were set up there sellingitems frm VCDs to TAKA cheapo diamonds to cheap umbrellas.
Sounds 'cool', but problem is the small & cramp lane towards MRT/businterchange is so jam pack that I sometimes have to "queue" up to walkfrm Bus INT to MRT or frm MRT to bus INT.
Another major concern is, those shop owners usually man their shops alone and after they finished their "ta pau" meals, they jus left it there waiting for the next day morning shift cleaners to clear. OMG, wats wrong with my Heartland tampines?
I wish to take this opportunity to get the Town Council awarness to do their part in order to get revive the heart-warming Heartland place that Tampinean used to enjoy. Thk U!
STOMP empathises with you, William!
Tampines - Lightning conductor still not fixed despite feedback to town council
Posted on 17 Nov, 2007
STOMPer Ryan said he made one phone call and sent two emails to Tampines Town Council about six weeks ago, informing it that this lightning conductor strip has been dislodged and needs to be fixed.He sent an email to STOMP on 16 Nov, expressing disappointment that there was "no action by town council despite feedback".
The STOMPer said the dislodged strip is at the covered walkway of Block 403, Tampines Street 41.
"Nothing has been done to rectify the problem. Tampines Town Council did not even bother to reply or update whether is there any progress. This photo was taken on 16 Nov," he said.
STOMP is contacting Tampines Town Council for comments.
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Fax No : 6854-3239
Friday, November 16, 2007
'Don't wait for the Government, solve it yourselves!',4139,137255,00.html
At session with Minister Yeo, youths say they want want to contribute more
THE Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr George Yeo, had invited them to air their views, but Singaporean youths seemed keen to do more than just talk.
By Elysa Chen
30 July 2007
THE Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr George Yeo, had invited them to air their views, but Singaporean youths seemed keen to do more than just talk.
Mr Choo Zheng Xi, 21, went to the session with the purpose of inviting Mr Yeo to blog on his website,
At the Coffee Talk with George session at Hougang Mall yesterday, Mr Choo said: 'I want to bring the Government and the opposition together through my site, and give them equal air time.
'I want to break the stereotypes of both the people who work with the Government and those who question the Government.'
Mr Yeo said: 'Where we engage depends on who is engaging and how. It must be constructive and no calling names.'But he said he was 'completely open' to the idea of contributing to Mr Choo's website.
'I try not to shy away from any discourse, but if someone is rude or abusive towards me, I'll avoid him,' he said.
When contacted later by The New Paper on Sunday, Mr Choo, a second-year NUS law student, said he was excited about the prospect of the Minister writing on his blog.
He has already thought of a topic for Mr Yeo: A National Day article on nationhood and national identity.
Mr Choo said he is working out details before sending a proposal to the Minister.The session was lively with more than 20 youths peppering the Minister with questions for more than an hour.
Miss Bernise Ang told the Minister she wants young people to get a 'broader involvement in the policy-making level'.
The 27-year-old is the founder of Syinc, an organisation that tries to link up Singapore youth organisations and provide a resource base of volunteers.
She asked Mr Yeo how the young would be able to influence policy-making.
Miss Ang is all for active citizenry and hopes young people can get more involved.This can be 'from implementation of small-scale projects to planning phases of national plans', she said.
So Mr Yeo suggested she could contribute by applying for an internship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
After the session, however, MissAng said that she had to pass on the offer as she already had a full-time job in the banking industry.
Another participant, Sanjiv Nanwani, however, can contribute through such an internship.
He is on a two-month internship at the Ministry of Finance. The 20-year-old, with a 'great passion for the environment', is currently working on a report studying regulations and standards that can be implemented to make a 'greener Singapore'.
There was a stark difference between the attitudes of these youngsters and those mentioned by MrYeo during the session.
Discussing how some Singaporeans depend too much on the Government, he said:
'Sometimes, when I go down to meet residents, they treat me like a condo manager.
'The light bulb here is faulty, the trees there are too bushy... There's this feeling that the Government should attend to all these problems.
'Don't wait for the Government, solve it yourselves!'
Although this is one area Mr Yeo feels we should improve on, he is pleased with the way young Singaporeans are responding to their challenges, one of which is the rise of China and India.
He urged the youngsters to 'learn new tricks' and to work together to build the Singapore 'Operating System'.
He said: 'It's the operating system that gives us the advantage. Where in India or China can someone turn on the tap, drink and not be sick the next day? It's the result of a system that works.
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Town Council says fixtures at Jln Tenteram not authorised by it
Posted on 16 Nov, 2007
Additional altars and shrine fixtures in the Jalan Tenteram estate are not endorsed by the Town Council.
In a reply to STOMP, the Jalan Besar Town Council said:"The two altars/fixtures outside the ground floor premises at Block 20 Jalan Tenteram are not authorised by the Council.
"The residents concerned will be advised to regularize the matter."
Earlier, a STOMPer had highlighted the issue of addtional fixtures such as shrines and altars at Block 20 Jalan Tenteram.
See earlier story:
"Are extra fixtures around my block allowed?"
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Opinions about Town Councils
yewteeman said on 25 Oct, 2007
Due to the vast area under the town council and it is not possible for the TC property officers to cover all area so it is better for TC act upon ''feedback''. This will keep the property officers happy to enjoy the aircon in the office.
If you do write to them, you will receive a reply like this:
Thank you for your feedback.In future, please write to the TC directly at
greenpea said on 25 Oct, 2007
yewteeman said on 25 Oct, 2007 Due to the vast area under the town council and it is not possible for the TC property officers to cover all area so it is better for TC act upon ''''feedback''''.
True to some extend. the officer will not be able to cover the whole zone; ie check every blk, every floor, everyday.dont'' forget, the officer''s duty is not limited to chking of blk. the scope for TC officers are actually very very wide.
inaddition, they HAVE TO stay in office; to do paperwork! otherwise, how to issue work-orders, payments, reports, etc, to contractors???
happy5263 said on 25 Oct, 2007
Yes agree that town council officers can''t keep an eye on a vast area. They should inform the cleaners of the estate/blks to feedback to TC if they find clutters in void decks,vandalism or anything out of the norm. Give them some incentives for doing so and that''ll be a win win situation for all concerned. That''ll make residents not to complain about the bad service of TC and its officers.
cerebrum said on 26 Oct, 2007
These flyer/locksmith stickers create excessive workload for the cleaners. The common areas bear nasty sticky mark upon removal of advertisements. The cleaners are not to be blame. It is quite a challenge for a thorough removal of these advertisements which been glued firmly on common areas. All Town Councils in Singapore should penalize these flyer advertisers / locksmith advertisers for the offence of vandalism. That would serve as deterrence. The fine money collected would also help ease the respective Town Council’s burden in additional cost of work force and maintenance.
The HDB residents did not glued these advertisements on the common areas. Therefore, it would be unfair to all HDB residents if the additional maintenance cost lead to an increase in conveyance fees.
yewteeman said on 26 Oct, 2007
Does RC have any role to play in providing feedback to TC since RC members are living in the HDB blocks within their respective RC zone.
Is the scope of RC members include feedback to TC other than organising activities for residents to "score points" for their MP?
greenpea said on 26 Oct, 2007
to ans some of the qns posted1) RC, by right, represents the residents and are the eyes on the ground. Their role involves feedback to TC on any things they feel is not right, or to assist residents to convey their feedback.
2) most TCs will only call up the perosn on the flyer to ''warn'' them. However, TC do not carry out the tedious process of i) tracing the number of the person''s hp number with all 3 telcos. ii) issue a summon of only $50-100 (depending on TC) to the person, and incur the extra charges/time of the searching process
cerebrum said on 26 Oct, 2007
Do all Town Councils truly find it a tedious process to penalize? Is Aljunied Town Council guilty of being that? The fire tragedy in Hougang should not have happened.
All Town Councils should be more vigilant, it is the Town Council responsibility!
A Town Council is there for a purpose, it should execute the necessary process however tedious it could be. Nowadays, a HDB block could be 4 storeys to 40 storeys. By multiplying the number of offences per floor, the fine money collected could be quite a substantial amount.
greenpea said on 26 Oct, 2007
cedsac2003: well spoken.
TC ground officers don''t have it easy too. and not all are "staying in office enjoy aircon/shake leg" as many stompers had commented. unless one is in the line, you may never know the problems they are going thru. Balancing politics from MP, residents complaints, and trying to be ''understanding'' while still have to enforce; all at the same time.
well, in every line, there''s bound to be some black sheep that really shake leg... haha...peace :)
cerebrum said on 26 Oct, 2007
Cedac2003:- I admire your strong stand in speaking up for the Town Council. Still, I thought it is unnecessary to ‘curse’ on a next generation.
Greenpea:- In every occupation, there bound to be stress and difficult task.
That should not be an excuse for any Town Council. However, I do agree with your view, in reality, there bound to be some black sheep in an organization. Many stompers would agree that is the purpose of STOMP, to detect and eliminate the ‘black-sheep’.
singaporeboleh said on 14 Nov, 2007
Town Council By Laws stated that:
Display of signs14. No person shall display or cause or permit to be displayed any sign on any common property or in any open space except with the approval of the Town Council.
It is the JOB of the TC to enforce the rules empowered to them by the Laws.
singaporeboleh said on 14 Nov, 2007
To greenpea said on 26 Oct, 2007 to ans some of the qns posted
I search the PA sites and found the Roles of RC as:
Residents'' Committee The Residents'' Committees (RCs) in public housing estates promote neighbourliness, racial harmony and community cohesiveness among the residents within their RC zones. Run by residents for residents, the RCs also work closely with other PA grassroots organisations like the CCCs and selected government agencies to improve the physical environment and safety of the local precinct.
Jalan Besar - "Town Council acts, but must they do so only upon feedback?"
Posted on 25 Oct, 2007
"The Jalan Besar Town Council would indeed send its contractor to clean-up the common properties upon a feedback. However, why would Town Council react only upon a feedback?" That's what a STOMPer wonders.
"Does the Town Council conduct check on the estate voluntarily or only upon receiving a complaint? "Are the culprits responsible for the additional cost in labor to clean up the vandalized common properties? "Would the culprits face a penalty fine for vandalizing the common properties?"
STOMP has contacted the Jalan Besar Town Council for a comment. Watch this space for updates.
Jalan Besar Town Council have removed the stickers and flyers attached to the utility doors, letter boxes and lift lobby walls of Blocks 16 to 19 Jalan Tenteram, following feedback from STOMPer Ryan.
In an email which was sent to STOMP today (30 Oct), a spokesman wrote:“Our inspection revealed that there were rampant pasting of the locksmith stickers on the utility doors at Blocks 16 to 19 Jalan Tenteram. “Also some flyers, causally posted on the letter boxes and lift lobby wall, by tuition centres and property agents were observed.“We have instructed the cleaning contractor to remove all stickers and flyers on 27 Oct.“The feedback from the residents will certainly be helpful to enhance the upkeep of the environment, complementing the monthly block inspections carried out by the Council’s staff.
“To prevent recurrence of such indiscriminate postings, we have cautioned the cleaning contractor to remove them upon sighting any, during their block cleaning. “The cost of removal of postings and cleaning up of common properties are included in the existing conservancy contract.
“Usually, the Council will caution advertisers who repeatedly indulged in such unauthorised advertisement to stop doing so. “The Council may seek the Police’s assistance and enforcement when the situation warrants.“We wish to thank Mr Ryan for his valuable feedback in this matter.
I totally agree with {yewteeman}, the cleaners at the said estate should not be burden with extra cleaning duties. The TC should file police report; the advertiser should face the consequences in vandalizing public properties.
I guess TC is probably taking the easy way out, as it is probably easier to bark orders at cleaner. Would the TC have equal leniency toward residents with late payment in conservancy fees?
Is it not frustrating that the money collected from monthly conservancy fees is spent subsidizing vandalizing advertiser. It should be the other way round, agree?
For us, the HDB residents, we are aware that this kind of vandalizing advertising (flyers and stickers) happened everywhere, anywhere in all HDB estates in Singapore daily. Considering those, would there ever be a TRUE winner in the coming Island-wide Cleanest Estate Competition?
yewteeman said on 31 Oct, 2007
The TC should get the advertisers to remove the stickers rather than asking the cleaning contractor which is paid out of the TC fund which is contributed by the residents.
TC should file police report and charge the advertisers for vandilising public properties instead of just "caution the advertisers".
Jl Besar - "Are extra fixtures around my block allowed?"
Posted on 14 Nov, 2007
Said Warrance: "These fixtures are built permanently along the covered walkway of Blk 20 Jalan Tenteram.
"One was even built next to a drain along Jalan Tenteram." (pictured below)
STOMP has contacted the Town Council for comment.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
答复 停车场不能降低收费
Yishun - 'When will these leaves be cleared?'
In the Heartlands
Posted on 08 Feb, 2007
Residents of Yishun Avenue 11 are clueless as to when these bags of dries leaves along the road will be cleared.
STOMPer Jude de Costa, 44, took these photos of uncleared bags of leaves, along with a lot more fallen leaves, left in drains on Wednesday evening (7 Feb).
The flight steward explained to STOMP, "The bags have been left at the sides of the road for more than a week now, but so far nobody has come to collect these bags for disposal. In fact, some of the bags have been left in drains, causing them to clog up when it rains. I'm not sure if the Town Council or the LTA should be taking action though."
"I think we're all trying very hard to keep the place free from mosquitoes, but it won't be enough if the authorites themselves aren't setting the correct example as well," Mr de Costa added.
Yishun - Please upgrade these slippery tiles
What Bugs Me
Posted on 29 Jan, 2007
49-year-old environment health and safety co-ordinator Raja was at the lift lobby of Block 621 Yishun Ring Road on Thursday (25 Jan) at about 11.25am when he saw an old lady almost slip and fall here. He attributes the cause to the slippery floor and wonders whether the "town council checks whether their contractor did a good job when tiling". "Please ensure that upgrading works are done," said Raja.
punggol - No parking of bicycles at taxi stand!
What Bugs Me
Posted on 24 Oct, 2007
He told STOMP:"There is a sign that says, 'No Parking of Bicycles'. But I have seen all the bicycles there for more than a month."It makes me wonder about all the law abiding citizens who keep doing this at Compass Point," he said.
Pasir Ris - Town Council: Repair works will be speeded up
In the Heartlands
Posted on 18 Sep, 2007
Earlier, CK had sent a note to STOMP and to the Town Council about the holes appearing in the ground, and expressed concerns that an accident may occur because of the defects.
Says the spokesperson for the Town Council: " We are aware of the building defects at Blocks 193 to 197 Rivervale Drive and have included the repairs under the impending Repainting and Redecoration contract. "Nevertheless we note your concerns and have advanced the repair to the specified location on 15 Sep 2007."
Downpour results in flooded footpath
In the Heartlands
Posted on 15 Jan, 2007
Within minutes, "the footpath became flooded". However, he was not the least bit surprised that this had happened as this occurred almost every time it rained.
"It's quite dangerous if the students from the school slip because of this. A lot of residents also use this footpath so hopefully something can be done," he said.
Pasir Ris - What a waste of good water!
In the Heartlands
Posted on 05 Jan, 2007
The STOMP reader, who lives in Pasir Ris Street 21 observed that this cleaner in the picture cleaned the roads using a high pressure hose to spray the grime off the surface of the ground from a utility pipe at the void deck of every block he is cleaning.
The resident is upset.
In the email sent to STOMP, Rozben says: "So far, he may have completed about 100 odd metres of this stretch of road, and I think has used quite a lot of water as he has to spend quite a bit of time at the same spot.
If the water is used to clean the void decks, stairs or lift landing, that is ok, as these areas need to be clean. But,is it really necessary to wash the road, just to ensure it is nice and red [yes, red is the colour of the road]? If there are areas of the road that are really dirty and smelly, I will agree, but washing the whole stretch of road is stretching it a little too far and is a waste of good water."
Pasir Ris - Washing so much...for MP?
In the Heartlands
Posted on 16 Aug, 2007
In an email to STOMP today (16 August), she said: "It was informed that there will be a MP walk at Block 222 to 226, Pasir Ris Street 21 on 19 August 2007."Since 9th August till to date, we have seen the cleaners washing every corner of the drains/floorings preparation to welcome the minister.
"So much water has been wasted just to clean up and flush the whole estate. Despite the fact that it has been raining for the past few days, the cleaners are still washing...all because the minister is coming.
"Usually the washing is done once a month..who pays for these water bills?"It is no secret the MP is coming on Sunday 19 August 2007, but why must clean for so many days...MP inspecting the drains?"
Monday, November 12, 2007
Jurong East - Why must people walk on grass to create this?
What Bugs Me
Posted on 30 Jul, 2007
Tanjong Pager - Brand new drain...Thanks!
This Urban Jungle
Posted on 31 Oct, 2007
STOMPer AG Lee is pleased that the damaged drain near Tanjong Pagar MRT Station is no longer what it used to look like. "I wish to thank PWD for repairing the damaged drain along Wallich Street next to Tanjong Pagar MRT Station after feedback to them through LTA, " the STOMPer said in an email today (31 Oct). The STOMPer sent these photos of the old and the new.